Ex. The sun rises.
The sun (พระอาทิตย์) เป็นคำนาม
rises (ขึ้น) เป็นคำกริยา
Ex. He wants to help her.
He คือประธาน
wants to help her คือภาคแสดง
Ex. Go away!
Ex. The cute dog comes from Japan.
Ex. The dog is cute.
Ex. Tom and John work until 7.00 p.m. each day.
Ex. The dog barked and bit.
Ex. I walked to class, but Too ran.
Ex. My mother is teacher.
Ex. The man who sits next to me never spoke to me.
Ex. I read newspaper.
**newspaper เป็นกรรม ถูกกระทำโดยกริยา read
Ex. He gave flowers to his girlfriend.
**flowers คือ กรรมตรง / his girlfriend คือ กรรมรอง
Ex. Lisa writes a letter. → A letter is written by Lisa.
Ex. A house is built by father.
Ex. The windows are closed.
Ex. The bird ate the seeds which I gave him.
Ex. After lunchtime, the bird ate seeds.
Ex. The dog ate foods quickly.
Ex. The pen is black.