Technically, market research and marketing research are two distinct terms that operates on different levels. Market research is more of researching in a specific market and hence, is narrow in concept. On the other hand, marketing research is term which not only includes market research but also involves study of different components such as study of similar/ new products, channels of distribution, etc., making it wider in scope.
In order to execute marketing research there are certain interconnected steps that a student needs to follow. They are:
Going through the environment
The primary step in marketing research is to scan the environment. This can be done by using the information on existing trends, events and establishing a relationship between an organization and its respective market. The area focuses upon studying the impact of external environment on an organization.
The Marketing Research Process
This is the core area of operation where channels of interconnected links perform their obligation to provide a compact solution. The scope starts with defining problem/s, developing an approach towards the problem/s, formulation of a research paper, data accumulation, data analysis and report preparation.
Defining the problem- This area involves identification of the concerned problems and presenting them neatly under given heads.
Development of an approach towards the problem- When there are problems, one has to look for solutions as well. So, this step will focus upon designing tailored programs that will serve as a solution to the presented problems.
Formulation of a research paper- This is the key step where the presented solutions are strategically placed. The intent is to employ a compact approach whereby the derived solutions can be applied with optimum effectiveness. The process can further be segregated under 3 categories, namely, Exploratory Research, Descriptive Research and Causal Research.
Data accumulation- The step includes implementing various sources whereby data can be accumulated for the purpose of deriving correct conclusions. Data accumulation is classified under two sub-heads, primary data and secondary data. Primary data includes sources such as Questionnaires, Interviews, Focus Groups and Observations. Whereas on the other hand, secondary data includes sources such as sales department, finance department, Trade associations, commercial services, etc.
Data analysis- After making all the necessary adjustments, it is time to analyze the data vividly. The analysis takes place under two different sections- quantitative data and qualitative data. The former deals with the contextual setting that the organization is associated with. On the other hand, the later is about expressing values in numeric terms.
Report Preparation
Report preparation is the final step where core decision making comes into play. An organized flow of information makes it complete in nature.
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