
ทำ ก่อน ฝัน The Dream Explorers 2018 : นักทรัพยากรบุคลากร (Human Resources) #3

Posted By | 04 ต.ค. 61


Good day fellow! Welcome to my blog about the HR-learning activities done during the programme " ทำ ก่อน ฝัน The Dream Explorers 1st - 6th October 2018 " by Trueplookpanya.  

I'm Thanapol (Call me " Peach " for short), participating in the section of Human Resources (known as ' HR ' ) of the programme.  I'm studying in Grade12 at Debsirin School and deciding to apply for a major in B.B.A. next year, so HR is one type of jobs I am interested in and wanted to experience and see the overall of it.  


When talking about HR, what gets in your head? it may lead you to the picture of a person dealing with documents of company employees, right?

But actually, there are many things more than that, which can prove your portrayal of it is wrong (You will see some in the lines below).


DAY 0 (1st October 2018) 9 AM - 11.30 AM @ True Tower 2 (True Pattanakarn Tower) 

- Travelled to Phetchburi station by MRT, then a air conditioned bus No.11, got off at Pattanakarn 31/1 before Thai-Nichi Institute

- Met new friends from all of job-learning sections of the programme

- Ice breaking

- Got workshopped about my own future life, dreams and expected goals

- Designed type of my own ideal life

- The programme introduction

Captured by ทำ ก่อน ฝัน

Item(s) received : A programme agenda



DAY 1 (2nd October 2018) 8.30 AM - 5.45 PM  @ True Tower 1

- Travelled to Thailand Cultural Centre by MRT and walked for 200-300 metres to the tower

- Got personal chaperone named P'Nat!

- True Corporation introduction

- Got to know all chaperones

- Learned about HR : Policies, Strategies, Compensation & Benefits, Organization Development, HR Partner, Talent Development

- Did " Psytech Assessment Test " for 2 hours (Way to long ._.) in order to understand how it works.

- Learned to interpret the result of the test

+ My opinion: This was the first day of job-learning, I was so shy because it was my first time entering a big office and got to know adult-employee chaperones. This day, I learned almost everything about HR. It was tiring and stressful a little, but the knowledge that I learned was so useful and adaptable in advance, so sweat is worth it!


Item(s) received: a passing card, a notebook



DAY 2 (3rd October 2018) 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM @ True Tower 1

- Learned about Employee Relation programme named " Plook Rak " (literally means "Grow The Love")

- Learned about HR Communication

- Walked to AIA Capital Centre 

- Learned about the campaign " Saving with True Money Wallet  " to introduce it to the target customers

- Helped the staff to demonstrate the app usage and persuade the customers to partake of the campaign 

- Hanged out in the building

+ My opinion : It was fun to learn outside a 4-sided-big-box, I liked to meet people and was developed a lot about my offering skill. This was a relaxing day of the students not an academic day :) I did love the part of Employee Relation so much. I could feel happiness, love and care that HR staff gave to the employees.





DAY 3 (4th October 2018) 7.30 AM - 4.30 PM @ True Tower 1

- Travelled from True Tower 1 to True Tower 2 by the company van (Traffic congestion -____-)

- Learned about Employee Learning & Development Methodology and Concept, True Learning Centre, Leadership, Competencies, Work Trends, Organization Culture, Carrer Counseling

- Discussed about True Corporation which won many Thai people's hearts

- Observed the room organizing telecommunication connection

- Observed Call Center office

- Travelled back to True Tower 1 (Super heavy traffic congestion -____-)

+ My opinion : These chaperones were so cool and good at explaining, I understood easily in a small amount of time. I also found and saw many technologies and work I had never seen before such as telecommunication room and how call centre employees work. I was so proud that once I partook in this programme.





DAY 4 (5th October 2018) 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM @ Fortune Town, True Talent Centre

- Learned about True Sphere recruitment

- Observed the recruitment, recruitment processes, interviewing rooms

- Tried to score and comment the candidates

- Travelled to True Tower 1

- Learned about HR IT

- Concluded the 3 - day learning 

- Received True Pokemon umbrella as a souvenir

+ My opinion : I felt sad that this day was the last day of job-learning; I felt so grateful of their teaching. Everything that I learnt in this programme would be a priceless treasure that will be with me forever. Thank to all of chaperones for everything and every time spent together. It was one of the best moments of my life.



DAY 5 (6th October 2018) Starts at 10 AM @ Emquartier : Presentation day ! (Present about all things that the students learnt)


*Thank you for everyone that is still reading until this line, if you are interested in this programme " ทำ ก่อน ฝัน The Dream Explorers ", don't hesitate to register to give yourself a chance. I can guarantee that this is the no.1 job-learning programme for Thai highschool students. Let's become one of ทำ ก่อน ฝัน The Dream Explorers family!

เว็บไซต์ทรูปลูกปัญญาดอทคอมเป็นเพียงผู้ให้บริการพื้นที่เผยแพร่ความรู้เพื่อประโยชน์ของสังคม ข้อความและรูปภาพที่ปรากฏในบทความเป็นการเผยแพร่โดยผู้ใช้งาน หากพบเห็นข้อความและรูปภาพที่ไม่เหมาะสมหรือละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์ กรุณาแจ้งผู้ดูแลระบบเพื่อดำเนินการต่อไป
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