
This scale is quite attractive using a modern glass design

Posted By fionacheng | 06 มี.ค. 61


For a long time now I've been weighing myself daily with digital weight scale , but I realised at the beginning that the numbers the thing is that when you step on the scales have been nonsense. Weight measurements are just like opinion polls – individual results don’t show you anything because there’s too much random noise, error and variation. It’s only after you have a few dozen that you could start to reliably opt for a trend.But that noise taught me to be curious. It's an easy task to chalk up weight gains and losses to hidden forces or semi-scientific concepts like ‘starvation mode’, but once you do you lose a sense control. Understanding is power, and I desired to understand what my body system did over a single day that caused my weight to vary a great deal from one morning to another location.


So in the bank holiday weekend, I conducted slightly unscientific test myself. I weighed myself every waking hour, from 6pm on Friday to 9am on Tuesday, and assumed a consistent rate of change overnight to interpolate the missing hours of sleep. I recorded for the gram the total amount that I ate and drank, and in many cases the quantity of urine that I passed, and I recorded each of the exercise I did, weighing myself before walks and runs. The result would be a glorious spreadsheet showing just what happened to my body system hour-by-hour over nearly ninety hours. So what did I find?


This scale is quite attractive using a modern glass design. The blue LED backlight definitely makes the number very simple to see. Of course, you will need to put it on a level surface because of it to work properly, however you have to make it happen with any scale. Accuracy is ok. The only negatives I can see is the shiny glass surface might be slippery in case your feet are wet and the fact that this surface can have watermarks are footprints in case you aren't completely clean. That doesn't bother me and I think it's very nice and fashionable in the bathroom. Much nicer when compared to a cheap plastic scale. I also such as fact that it uses regular batteries instead of button batteries like my previous scale did. It is easier to replace them without searching around for your exact right form of button cell.


I recently bought this system for my buddy . He has made a decision to start a diet and wanted a helpful reminder every single day of his progress . He and I both make use of it now in fact it is truly well-crafted . I do caution you be totally dry before with all the scale at etekcity due to your glass it's made out of . You do not want to slip . In addition, it quickly reads unwanted weight and has lights a nice led blue color. I am talking about less then 2 seconds and you have excess fat ready available for you . We have both been using the product and have to express the weight measurements are consistent .

เว็บไซต์ทรูปลูกปัญญาดอทคอมเป็นเพียงผู้ให้บริการพื้นที่เผยแพร่ความรู้เพื่อประโยชน์ของสังคม ข้อความและรูปภาพที่ปรากฏในบทความเป็นการเผยแพร่โดยผู้ใช้งาน หากพบเห็นข้อความและรูปภาพที่ไม่เหมาะสมหรือละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์ กรุณาแจ้งผู้ดูแลระบบเพื่อดำเนินการต่อไป
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