ข้อสอบ : เตรียมสอบเข้า ม. 1 วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
ข้อสอบ : เตรียมสอบเข้า ม. 1 วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
35% Complete
8 of 60
ข้อที่ 8.

Question 8 – 11: Read the passage below and choose the best answer.


    One day Fred went swimming in a canal. He dove to the bottom of the canal and came back up with a big wooden box. He opened it and found a jacket, two pairs of trousers, five shirts and three pairs of shoes. He put his hand into the right pocket of the jacket and took out a plastic bag full of coins. In the pocket of one pair of trousers he found a pocket knife. In a pocket of a shirt he found a pair of glasses. He was very happy and took all the things home.


Where did Fred get the box?