ข้อที่ 1.

Directions: Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Conversation: In a classroom

Teacher:  Everybody, let's now practice expressing our opinions in English. I want you all to remember that you have to make an idea clear. Now let's get a couple of opinions and compare how clear they are Nattha, what is your favorite movie?
Nattha:  My favorite movie is anything with Nadol in it because he is so handsome and charming. ___1___!
Teacher:  Thank you. Now Sirotorn. ___2___.
Sirotorn:  My favorite movie of this year is World War Z. The acting was very good, the story was scary and overall the movie was very exciting. It was especially scary when the Zombies were taking over the jet plane and Brad Pitt had to try to fight them off.
Teacher:  Thank you Sirotorn. Now class, can you tell me which opinion was clearer with better supporting details? 
Thanadol:  Yeh, Nattha didn't answer the question. She talked about Nadol and the fact that he is handsome. I wouldn't watch a movie just because someone was good looking.
Chakariya:  ___3___ Sirotorn's opinion was clearer. She talked about the acting, the story and her feeling of the movie, while Nattha just talked about her infatuation for a superstar. Nadol is handsome but his acting ability is terrible and ___4___ I would sit through a full movie while he tries to act all sweet all of the time. Substance is more important than image.
Teacher:  Good answer and for the most part ___5___. Sirotorn's answer was clearer.