ข้อที่ 1.

Directions: Choose the word that best completes each blank.
     Tom and his friend Dave drop by their favorite fast-food restaurant several times a week for a meal of hamburgers, fries, and shakes. Their parents__1__ that this fast food will not provide the vitamins and minerals needed by growing teenagers. Their basketball coach insists that their diet of high-fat, high-calorie food will __2__ with their athletic performance. The boys, who are active and not overweight, see no __3__ to change their eating habits.
     Fast-food meals like Tom’s and Dave’s are the cause of much __4__. Diets that continue to be high in fat may be __5__ with heart disease and certain cancers in later years. High-calorie diets may result in a __6__ weight gain, which is difficult to lose once growth has stopped and taste for such foods has formed. A __7__ meal of a cheeseburger, fries, and a shake provides a whopping 1,000 calories. This kind of caloric __8__ when you grow older could cause serious weight problems.
     If you enjoy fast-food meals once in a while, consider __9__ milk or orange juice for shakes and sodas. Use the salad bar in place of fries and onion rings. If you __10__ wise food habits now, they will help you throughout your adult years.