ข้อที่ 1.

Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each question. (1-6)

    Difficulty in communicating with others is a common problem associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is usually one of the symptoms displayed during the early stages of the illness. The affected person may not be able to make himself or herself understood or be able to understand what others are trying to say.
    If the Alzheimer patient has been covering up problems with communications, he may become angry or defensive when he cannot find the words to respond to questions or comments. Or he may appear uncooperative, when in fact he simply cannot understand what someone is trying to say.
    If you are having problems communicating with an Alzheimer patient, make sure than he is not suffering from a hearing impairment and keep the following in mind : the Alzheimer patient may forget within seconds even the information he understood ; he may still be able an read but may not be able to understand what has been read ; what may be understood if hear in person may be lost over the phone.
    Communication may be helped by combined use of signs use of signs, labels or written messages and oral instructions. It is wise to be aware that the person may understand more than be is able to express. Never talk about the patient as if he were not there. Always treat the Alzheimer patient with dignity and respect. Remember that he is an adult. Avoid talking down. Your sensitivity will be greatly appreciated.

What does “covering up” (paragraph 2) mean?