ข้อที่ 1.

Conversation 1 : Two students are talking in front of their classroom building.
Ploy : Hi there . There’s no point going in.
Dome : Why? ____1____?
Ploy : There are no fans, no lights.
Dome : Not another power cut. Any explanation for it?
Ploy : ____2____ the transformer blew up during the night.
Dome : Blew up? Why?
Ploy : Oh, I don’t know all the technicalities.
Dome : I’m sure you’re ____3____. I bet it’s just a short circuit and they’ll fix it in no ____4____ at all.
Ploy : Well that’s not what the technicians ____5____. They told me it would take at least until noon.
Dome : That means no class, I assume.
Ploy : _____6_____. These students will use any excuse to get out of class.
Dome : That’s not fair. It’s a pretty solid excuse. ____7____, we can’t study in a dark, airless room, _____8_____?
Ploy : Yes, that’s true, ____9____ I’m afraid we are going to get behind the other groups.
Dome : Well, you can always study on your own.
Ploy : I know I can, but I’m not very disciplined.
Dome : That’s too bad. Anyway, since there is no class, what do you want to do?
Ploy : ____10____.
Dome : Right. Let’s go.